Privacy Policy for Nograms

Effective Date: 2024-04-25

1. Introduction

Welcome to Nograms. We are committed to respecting your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we handle any personal data related to the use of our app. As we do not collect any personal data, our policy is straightforward.

2. Data Collection

We do not collect, store, or share any personal data, including but not limited to names, email addresses, or location data. Nograms is solely a game that provides entertainment without any data collection.

3. Data Usage

Since no data is collected, there is no data usage to disclose.

4. Third-Party Services

Our app does not use or incorporate third-party services that collect information from users.

5. Security

Although we do not collect personal data, we are committed to ensuring the security of our app and protecting it from unauthorized access.

6. Changes to Our Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy occasionally. The latest version will always be posted on our app with the effective date.

7. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding this privacy policy, please contact us at [Your Contact Information].